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Want to cloth diaper and have NO IDEA where to start?

I've got you! I want to talk about and hopefully help lead you in the right direction. The cloth diapering world can seem utterly confusing, When there are so, so, so many brands of diapers with so many different materials and styles, it can be a bit overwhelming and honestly, intimidating. The following websites, brands, and styles are my tried and true favorites. I hope this will be a great resource for you and good luck!

Here are some great websites to get you started on your cloth diapering journey:

Black Women Do Cloth Diaper (BWDCD): This website, and also her IG and FB with the same name, is a GREAT resource for all families, with a strong focus on families of color. BWDCD talks about cloth diaper basics and her "mission is to establish a support system for black cloth diapering mamas, mamas of color all over the world and to find and showcase black babies and babies of color in cloth, while highlighting black-owned natural parenting businesses." She goes live often to educate and also promote black owned businesses. I am still always learning from her and the amazing community of women who follow her.

Here are great websites for purchasing quality cloth:

Green Mountain Diapers: This website is one of my favorite to order from. There is quite literally every brand of quality diaper in one place, from flats/prefolds and covers, to AIl in ones (AIO) and everything in between. They sell organic cotton and hemp/bamboo in addition to the common microfiber diaper inserts. Everything you would need to cloth diaper, you will find here.

Cotton Babies: In addition to cloth diaper sales, this website also sells carriers, baby gear, feeding supplies, gear and more. It's a one stop shop!

Last, but not least, here are the brands I love. Click on the name to go to their page:







Again, listed above are websites and brands I love. Every baby will fit these diapers differently. When I started, I purchased a couple of each brand to see what worked best for our family. If there is a brand, not listed, that you absolutely cannot live without, please share it with me! I love to discover new diapers! I hope this helped steer you in the right direction. Please don't hesitate to get in contact with me if you have any questions/concerns. Look for me on FB and IG under Eternal Blossom Birth and Beyond.

Look for my other blog talking about the different systems of cloth diapers!!



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